Online Education
Driving Engagement and Enrollment for Presentation Skills Education through Chinese Social Media Marketing

An online education company sought to expand its presence in the Chinese market and attract Chinese-speaking audiences. They partnered with Meta Diverse to develop and execute a comprehensive Chinese social media marketing campaign targeting WeChat and Little Red Book. Through strategies such as running WeChat Moments advertising, collaborating with key opinion leaders (KOLs), engaging with WeChat groups, implementing Little Red Book content marketing, and encouraging user-generated content, the client achieved significant improvements in brand visibility, audience engagement, and program enrollments. The campaign resulted in increased followers on WeChat Official Account and Little Red Book, high levels of engagement on WeChat articles, a boost in website traffic and lead generation, and a significant increase in program enrollments. By leveraging these Chinese social media marketing tactics, the client solidified its position as a leading provider of online education in the Chinese market and continues to leverage the insights and strategies gained from the campaign to sustain and expand its reach among Chinese-speaking audiences.

Client Background:
The client is an online education company that offers training programs and resources to individuals seeking to improve their public speaking abilities. They recognized the potential of the Chinese market and aimed to expand their reach to Chinese-speaking audiences, both in mainland China and abroad.


The client faced the challenge of effectively reaching and engaging with Chinese-speaking audiences on popular Chinese social media platforms. They wanted to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive enrollments for their training programs. They approached Meta Diverse to develop and execute a comprehensive Chinese social media marketing campaign targeting WeChat and Little Red Book.


Campaign Strategy:
Meta Diverse developed a tailored Chinese social media marketing campaign that focused on three key objectives: enhancing brand awareness, driving audience engagement, and increasing 

program enrollments. The following strategies were implemented:


WeChat Official Account: A WeChat Official Account was created for the client, allowing them to publish regular content and engage with their audience. The account featured informative articles, expert tips, and interactive content related to presentation skills. Push notifications were utilized to keep followers updated and encourage engagement.


WeChat Moments Advertising: Targeted advertising campaigns were launched on WeChat Moments, leveraging demographic targeting to reach Chinese-speaking professionals, students, and individuals interested in personal development. Engaging and visually appealing ads were created to capture the attention of the target audience and drive traffic to the client's WeChat Official Account.


Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Collaborations: Influential KOLs in the field of personal development and public speaking were engaged to endorse the client's training programs and share their experiences. KOLs were invited to contribute guest articles, participate in live Q&A sessions, and provide exclusive promotions to their followers, generating credibility and interest.


WeChat Group Engagement: The campaign included active engagement with relevant WeChat groups focused on personal development, public speaking, and professional growth. The client's team actively participated in discussions, shared valuable insights, and answered questions to position themselves as thought leaders and build trust within the community.


RED (Xiaohongshu) Content Marketing: A content marketing strategy was implemented on Little Red Book, a popular platform for lifestyle and product recommendations. The client's team created engaging and informative content, including reviews, tips, and success stories related to presentation skills education. The content showcased the client's expertise and encouraged user engagement.


User-Generated Content (UGC) Campaigns: The campaign encouraged users to share their personal experiences, success stories, and tips related to presentation skills education. This user-generated content was curated and shared on the client's WeChat Official Account and Little Red Book page, amplifying the reach and social proof of the client's offerings.


The Chinese social media marketing campaign led to significant improvements in the client's brand visibility, audience engagement, and program enrollments. The following key results were achieved:

Brand Visibility: The campaign generated a 50% increase in followers on the client's WeChat Official Account, reaching a wider audience interested in presentation skills education. The client's Little Red Book page gained a substantial following, with a 40% increase in followers.


Audience Engagement: The client's WeChat articles received high levels of engagement, with an average increase of 60% in likes, comments, and shares. User-generated content campaigns on WeChat and Little Red Book generated active participation and created a sense of community.


Website Traffic and Lead Generation: The campaign successfully drove a 30% increase in website traffic from WeChat and Little Red Book. Users engaged with the client's content, explored training program offerings, and showed interest in enrolling. Lead generation tactics, such as sign-up forms and contact information collection, resulted in a 25% increase in qualified leads.


Program Enrollments: The Chinese social media marketing campaign contributed to a 50% increase in program enrollments. The combination of targeted advertising, KOL collaborations, content marketing, and user-generated content campaigns resulted in a higher conversion rate of interested prospects into paying customers.


Through the strategic implementation of Chinese social media marketing tactics targeting WeChat and Little Red Book, Meta Diverse successfully helped the online education company achieve its objectives of enhancing brand visibility, driving audience engagement, and increasing program enrollments within the Chinese-speaking market. The campaign's focus on WeChat Official Account management, KOL collaborations, WeChat group engagement, Little Red Book content marketing, and user-generated content campaigns resulted in significant growth in brand recognition, customer engagement, and revenue generation.


The client's position as a provider of online education was strengthened in the Chinese market, and they continue to leverage the insights and strategies gained from the campaign to sustain their success and further expand their reach within the Chinese-speaking audience.

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Online Education
Driving Engagement and Enrollment for Presentation Skills Education through Chinese Social Media Marketing
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